Monday, May 2, 2016


Good Day All,

So I've been out for a little bit due to family obligations but for today we have an amazingly simple project. I hate washing and rewashing all the kids cups. My oldest can reach the cabinet but my babies cannot so I stole this idea from pinterest. Behold, magnetic cups!! This has been an amazing concept in our home. We have a water dispenser in our fridge so the babies just grab their cups and  get their water. There's no hassle of "mommy I want drink!!" "mommy, you do it" and I get to continue what ever I was doing.

These are cups that we already had, we lost the lids to them forever ago too. I simply hot glued magnets to the the back of them and let it dry. I will warn you that the magnets have come off a couple times since doing this but for the most part I love this idea. It is just one more thing out of my day that helps. keeping everything in order helps a lot and this is one of those things.

Do you have any similar ideas that help you in your home? If so please share, I would love to see want helps you.

As Always,

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