Sunday, April 10, 2016

Samsung Galaxy S6


This one is different than the other posts that I've done. As mentioned in my first post Just the Beginning! I have experience in electronics. This does not mean that I am an expert, but I know what I'm doing most of the time. That being said, I did extensive research and had practice before gutting this device. The device above had a minor superficial crack at the very top, but it's main issue was that the display would not work. No part of it. I could tell that it was trying to work with the lights at the bottom illuminating but still nothing on the screen.

This site is my go-to site for electronic repair. They have an amazing selection, user friendly website, videos on how to fix the device you are working on, and the tools needed to do it. I have spoke with customer service when I purchased my tools and materials for this phone (which were by far a lot cheaper than I had found on other sites) and the gentleman I spoke to was amazing and I received my order very quickly.

Now for the money saving aspect. The person I was repairing the phone for was told by their insurance company that screen replacement was not covered for this defect and it was going to cost them about $200-300 to fix it and send back to them. I knew you could do it yourself for much cheaper so I told them I could do it. 1) I love fixing stuff and 2) it gave me an excuse to get a good set of tools :-P. In all for just the screen it was about $140. Now this is one of the more expensive screens that I have found. Depending on the device that you have it could be as low as $10-20. This is an amazing savings for those who love DIY and saving money. I would suggest if you have not done it before, get a cheap phone (older IPhone or Galaxy) and practice on those. It won't blow your budget and you'll gain the experience.

This is just one of the devices I have fixed, so if you have any questions feel free to ask. If you have fixed anything like this please share, we will only get better from learning from each other!! Stay beautiful all!!

As Always

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