Friday, April 8, 2016

Scheduling My Day

Hello All!

So one of my biggest challenges has been getting a routine down during the day since I became a Sahm. I think i have this by now. Although everyday isn't the same, most are.

0500- Hubby gets up and goes to work from time to time I get up and make him breakfast in the morning. He enjoys it and it gives us sometime together before the day starts.

0800- Kids get up for the day. My oldest (7) gets ready for school and my little ones (3) get up, get dressed and eat breakfast.

0830- We all go outside (on good days) and play until my oldest gets on the bus around 0900.

0900- Me and the little ones go inside and play/watch movies/random crafts. 

1100- I put on more coffee (I live off of this stuff lol) and start lunch. 

1130- Kids get to the table and eat. Although I may not directly encourage them to play with their food. I don't always stop them. I love watching their imaginations. 

1200- By this time they are usually done with their food and they clean up their places (put anything they didn't eat in the trash/ wipe up their mess/ clean up any food on the floor/ and put plates in the sink)

1215- They go to the bathroom and go to bed. This is also the time of the day that I get some peace to myself (most of the time). At times they don't want to sleep so they play in their rooms. I take this time to concentrate on me. Whether this is working on my blog or make something or cut out coupons. We all need that time to us so that we don't lose our minds lol. 

1500- I get the kids up. By now they have gotten some sleep and are ready for the rest of the day. They are back at the table for their snack and juice. Then they go to the bathroom before we do anything else.

1530- This is when I start my "real" cleaning. It doesn't take much or long. All day I do laundry and just set the baskets in the living room so this is when I take care of them. I sweep and mop the floors, the kids take care of the bathroom in the hallway and their own rooms.

1645- My oldest gets home from school and starts her homework at the kitchen table while I start dinner. (I love crockpot meals because I can use this time to go outside again and play with the kids.)

1800- Dinner is served! Hubby is usually home by now and gets a hot meal :-)

1830- Bathtime for the babies!!! This is the same routine as lunch. They clean up after themselves. Oldest gets everything ready for the next day, including cleaning up her room.

1900- Books and bedtime for babies, oldest gets in the shower. 

2000- Oldest goes to bed after I tell her her favorite stories. 

2200- Me and hubby go to bed. We usually watch some TV while the other takes a shower. 

This is what works for us and it is just a rough estimate. Let me know what yall have found that works for you. Anything that you have found particularly helpful?

As Always,

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